We are a hope-filled, thankful community, from many backgrounds and nations who have found life in Jesus.
Encountering His presence through a culture of worship & prayer is important to us; it's a life posture that changes us from the inside out; it's an invitation to partner with Jesus to graciously bring transformation to the town we love and the people we do life with.
We love to gather together, so when we're scattered across our communities and families, we hope to represent Jesus, His grace and compassion, better today than we did yesterday!
St Patrick's Street, Stafford ST16 2PL [Access from Sash Street Also]

This is a title.
Whether you consider yourself a Christian, an atheist or anything in between, you are really welcome!
We realise that walking into a new building full of people unknown to you can be a big and pretty daunting step to make. We want to ensure we help you to feel at home from the moment you arrive.
When you arrive at the building, simply look out for one of our hosts, or head to the Connect Point after the service. They'll be happy to help you and answer any questions you may have.
If questions come to mind about your church experience when you get home, please contact us:
Call 01785 242373 or Email minister@elimhope.church
What to Expect on a Sunday
Firstly, come as you are! There’s no need to dress up (unless that’s what you want to do!). There's no charge, no tickets - sit where you like and join in if you're comfortable to do so.
Our Sunday service starts at 10.30am, lasts around 75 minutes and we think you'll find it practical, helpful and inspirational.
It's all fairly simple really...
We sing songs of worship together. We listen to some news about what’s happening in our church community. We often take communion. One of our leaders present a talk based on the teaching of the Bible. We catch up with people over coffee!
Meet The Team
St Patrick's Street, Stafford ST16 2PL
[Access from Sash Street Also]
01785 242373